
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Two employees fired over Windows 8 leaks

When a build of Windows 8 leaks, most enthusiasts are overwhelmed at getting their hands on the build that was supposed to remain inside the walls of Microsoft. But to get that information out, an employee must leak the information, putting their job on the line.
It is being reported over at MDL and across the web that two employees from Microsoft were fired over the leaks. Forum user canouna reported that two employees, one from Russia and the other from Redmond, have both been fired from the company for their participation in the leaks of Windows 8.
Windows 8 has been leaked in three different builds, 7850, 7955 and 7959. If Microsoft did fire two employees over the leaks, it shows that Microsoft is not only serious about protecting its property, but is also using the removal of the employees as a deterrent to prevent future leaks.
But despite all of this, there are rumors that build 7971 is out in the wild. At this time, Neowin cannot confirm the authenticity of these rumors.
Windows 8 is far off from public availability and it is rumored that a public beta may be announced at PDC later this year. It is expected that Microsoft will launch Windows 8 in late 2012 with the latest rumors suggesting that retail availability will happen in early 2013.

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